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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Transformational Leadership Style

What is Transformational Leadership?
What are the characteristics like?

If quoted from your page, the library , transformational leaders encourage change. They enter the organization to turn things around, return a profit, or improve the culture. Alternatively, a transformational leader may have a vision for what customers, stakeholders, or constituents may need in the future and work towards achieving that goal. They are future-focused change agents. Examples of transformational leaders are Oprah and Robert C. Smith, billionaires who have offered to pay off student loan debt from the entire 2019 graduating class at Morehouse College.


The following are some definitions of transformational leadership from several book sources:

  1. According to Danim (2004:54), transformational leadership is the ability of a leader to work with and/or through other people to optimally transform organizational resources in order to achieve meaningful goals in accordance with predetermined achievement targets.
  2. According to Bass (Yukl, 2010:313), transformational leadership is a condition in which the followers of a transformational leader feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect for the leader, and they are motivated to do more than they initially expected.
  3. According to Burns (Safaria, 2004:62), transformational leadership is characterized as a leader who focuses on achieving changes in the values, beliefs, attitudes, behavior, emotions, and needs of subordinates towards better changes in the future.
  4. According to Robbins and Judge (2008: 90), transformational leaders are leaders who inspire their followers to put aside their personal interests for the good of the organization and are able to have a tremendous influence on their followers.
  5. According to O'Leary (Martha Andy Pradana, 2013: 3), Transformational Leadership is a leadership style used by a manager when he wants a group to expand boundaries and have performance beyond the organizational status quo to achieve an entirely new set of organizational goals.

Transformational leaders drive change. They enter the organization to turn things around, return a profit, or improve the culture. Alternatively, a transformational leader may have a vision for what customers, stakeholders, or constituents may need in the future and work towards achieving that goal. They are future-focused change agents. Examples of transformational leaders are Oprah and Robert C. Smith, billionaires who have offered to pay off student loan debt from the entire 2019 graduating class at Morehouse College.


According to Robbins and Judge (2008:91), the characteristics of Transformational Leadership, namely:

a. Idealized Influence (Ideal influence)

Idealized Influence (Ideal influence) is a leader's behavior that provides a vision and mission, creates a sense of pride, and gains the respect and trust of subordinates. Idealized influence is also known as a charismatic leader, where followers have deep belief in their leader, feel proud to work with their leader, and trust the leader's capacity to overcome any problems.

b. Inspirational Motivation

Inspirational Motivation is the behavior of leaders who are able to communicate high expectations, convey a shared vision in an attractive manner by using symbols to focus the efforts of subordinates and inspire subordinates to achieve goals that result in important progress for the organization.

c. Intellectual Stimulation (Intellectual Stimulation)

Intellectual Stimulation is a leader behavior that is able to increase the intelligence of subordinates to increase their creativity and innovation, increase rationality, and solve problems carefully.

d. Individualized Consideration

Individualized consideration is the behavior of a leader who gives personal attention, treats each subordinate individually as an individual with different needs, abilities, and aspirations, and trains and provides advice. Individualized consideration of transformational leadership treats each subordinate as an individual and assists them, monitoring and growing opportunities. 
That's the definition and characteristics of Transformational Leadership

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