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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kontes SEO Astaga!com

Selamat datang di kontes SEO Astaga!com, kontes SEO dengan total hadiah lebih dari 30 Juta Rupiah ini diadakan dalam rangka ASTAGA REBORN. Selamat berlomba dengan jujur dan menjunjung tinggi sportivitas. Pastikan terlebih dahulu membaca semua peraturan yang ditetapkan dan terus mengikuti berita terbaru seputar kontes SEO Astaga!com.

Hadiah puluhan juta menanti Anda, jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini!!

Juara I : Netbook HP 5101 Mini Note Black + Uang tunai Rp. 5.000.000,-
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Juara X : Uang tunai Rp. 500.000,- + 2 ticket waterbom

Waktu perlombaan :
30 November 2009 pukul 00.00 WIB - 3 Maret 2010 pukul 00.00 WIB

Kata Kunci/ Keyword yang dilombakan : lifestyle on the net

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12. Pemenang kontes adalah peserta yang blog atau situs webnya (url postingan dan bukan nama domainnya saja) tercantum di dengan string pada tgl 3 Maret 2010 pukul 00.00 WIB, dan berada diurutan ke 1 sampai 10. Jika pada urutan 1 sampai 10 terdapat situs lain yang tidak ikut berpartisipasi dalam kontes SEO astaga!com, maka situs tersebut bukanlah termasuk sebagai pemenang, posisinya akan digantikan oleh situs/blog yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam lomba pada urutan sesudahnya.

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14. Peserta wajib memasang banner kontes seo Astaga!com di blognya.

15. Meskipun mungkin tidak ada pengaruhnya terhadap kontes SEO Astaga!com, tapi kami tidak mengijinkan seluruh blog atau situs pribadi karyawan dan staff PT. Indonesia Media Technologies atau IM-tech untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini. IM-tech adalah perusahaan yang membawahi Astaga!com dan Daftar blog yang tidak boleh mengikuti kontes ini.

Daftar blog ini akan terus di update!

Bila ada yang perlu ditanya, silahkan kunjungi halaman Tanya Jawab Kontes SEO Astaga!com lifestyle on the net lifestyle on the net merupakan kontes seo terbaru yang diadakan oleh situs portal terkenal yang merupakan salah satu situs portal besar diantara situs-situs portal besar lainnya. Ungkapan lifestyle on the net merupakan ungkapan yang sangat tepat ditujukan untuk situs, Mengapa demikian? Karena merupakan situs lifestyle lengkap yang bisa diandalkan sebagai panduan gaya hidup online.

Memang ada sebagian orang tidak begitu mengenal di tengah begitu banyaknya orang mengenal dia, mungkin dikarenakan banyak situs-situs portal lain yang lebih ramai dipublikasikan di telinga mereka dibanding Akan tetapi tidak ada salahnya bila mereka mencoba untuk sekedar jalan-jalan dan melihat-lihat apa saja sebenarnya yang ada di Ternyata begitu lengkap, mulai dari rubrik Your News dengan sajian berita-berita hangatnya seperti berita tentang Ada Tayangan Tidak Mendidik di Infotainment. Kemudian rubrik gaya hidup yang mengupas tuntas tentang segalanya yang ada dalam gaya hidup masyarakat seperti informasi tentang Atlet Atletik Indonesia Kenakan Sepatu Teringan. Kemudia rubrik selebriti yang tentunya membahas segala seluk-beluk para selebritis ataupun orang-orang ternama seperti informasi tentang Alec Baldwin Sumbang Rp 10 Miliyar Untuk Beasiswa. Kemudian rubrik Senema yang menyuguhkan perkembangan dunia perfilman internasional seperti informasi tentang Akan Ada Sekuel Terminator. Kemudian rubrik musik yang mebahas lengakap perkembangan dunia tarik suara. Dan masih banyak lagi rubrik-rubrik lainya yang tidak kalah seru seperti ; ragam, zodiak, polling, galery dan masih banyak lagi, dimana semuanya disajikan secara apik dan menarik, sehingga kita tidak jenuh untuk mengkonsumsinya. Itulah mengapa patut diacungi jempol dan dijuluki dengan sebutan lifestyle on the net, karena memang sesuai dengan keadaan yang baru dilihat bersama tadi.
Sudah banyak orang yang mengakui keunggulan dibanding situs-situs portal yang lainnya, ini terbukti dengan banyaknya orang yang telah berkunjung kesana. Bila tidak percaya lihat saja traffik kunjungan yang ada, itu sudah dapat membuktikan bahwa memang merupakan situs portal unggulan yang berada di tengah-tengah perkembangan berbagai macam situs portal yang tumbuh pesat seperti tumbuhnya jamur di musim penghujan.
Nah ayo tunggu apa lagi. Yuk kunjungi situs lifestyle Jadikan sebagai rujukan utama segala hal yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup kita. Mulai dari mencari berita-berita penting, ilmu pengetahuan, dan segala hal yang terdapat di situs tersebut dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai kebutuhan akan informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan. Kita tidak perlu membeli koran dan majalah bila apa yang kita cari itu sudah ada di dan kepada semangat terus, ayo maju. Jadikan menjadi situs portal yang akan membawa manfaat untuk kemajuan nusa dan bangsa yang kita cintai ini.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Health Care Reform

Health is one of the most important components of attention in the social security system. In Act No. 23 of 1992 on Health stated that the government develop, nurture and encourage the implementation of health care financing which is done praupaya. The meaning of praupaya is financing fees that were paid in advance for a certain period. Health care is meant is a series of efforts to provide health coverage for participants and consists of various types and health service activities that are improving health, prevention and cure diseases (Ghufron, 200). Health care efforts include basic health care are required to follow.

Health sector reform is no longer a new language. It's just that the agenda needs to be returned as a basis for further development. If simplified, the health reform agenda forward will be more public participation in formulating and conducting health aspects with minimal government intervention. Empowering communities to measure the success and interest of the poor become its universality acceptance requirements.
Gunawan Setiadi, a doctor and a master's in health, revealed some reasons why people can organize their health, and better than the government, among others:
(a) greater public commitment than paid employees;
(b) more people understand the problem itself;
(c) the community can solve problems, whereas professional / government simply provide services;
(d) the public is more flexible and creative;
(e) communities are able to provide cheaper services; and
(f) standards of behavior more effectively enforced by the community than bureaucrats or health professional.
The views on top appears to be reasonable enough to see the work ethic of the low tendency of bureaucrats and health professionals for this. It is time for the health organization initiated by the community itself, so the meaning of healthy living into a new culture, wherein up trust, respect for the rights of life and norms menyuburnya other humanitarian. Model-based health organization empowerment (empowerment) must be arranged in a rational way by as much as possible to involve all relevant stakeholders.
Thus, health development priorities as far as possible is more directed to the poor - the majority of their number and have many rights taken away for this. For that, the target of government subsidies in the health sector needs to sharpen the road include:
First, increase the budget for health programs related to the many poor people. For example infectious disease eradication programs, services, maternal and child health and nutrition.
Until now, as a developing country Indonesia is still faced with the problem, especially the limited access of the poor to quality health services and affordable. A study conducted by Thabrani (2005) states that 10 percent of wealthy people in Indonesia have access to health facilities in 12 times greater diandingkan 10 percent of the poor. While out of pocket expenditure is regressive, so the added weight to the cost burden on the responsibility of low-income communities.
Exemption fees for services in health centers in some areas and city districts, it did not increase the poor's access to health services. Research conducted by Susilowati (2004) found that access was more frequently used by large urban population (34.4%) compared with rural residents (26.9%). While in fact the most vulnerable groups to health care in rural areas (25.2%) than urban (17.7%). This means that injustices have occurred in health care financing as a government subsidy enjoyed by the people actually capable of.
Although the government has endeavored to develop various public health programs, increased investment there is the health service, improving service quality, decentralized health system, but public access to health services remains a major problem contributing to poverty. The main cause of this whole problem lies in the limited public access to health insurance system. The question now is how far health and social security is understood as a tool and prerequisite for overcoming the problem of poverty, economic growth and development and the extent to which this issue was held in the policy effective and coherent.

Health Insurance Policy in Indonesia

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, declared health a fundamental human right. It required a system that can guarantee the fulfillment of these basic rights. Regarding health insurance in the international world has been set in the UN Declaration on Human Rights dated December 10, 1948 concerning the health and welfare rights, health insurance, disability and old age. Health insurance is also regulated in the ILO Convention No.102 thn 1952. In Indonesia, Health insurance mandated by the 1945 changes in Article 28H Paragraph (1) which states that "Everyone has the right to live in physical and spiritual welfare, residence, and a good environment and healthy and are entitled to health services". Furthermore, in Article 28H Paragraph (3) confirmed again that "Every person has the right to social security in order to develop oneself fully as a dignified human being". As a form of implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, in 2001, through TAP MPR MPR No.X/MPR/2001 assigned to the President of Indonesia to establish the National Social Security System. On October 19, 2004, the Indonesian government finally set the Law No.40 of 2004 on National Social Security System.
In the Navigation Act, the social security system was built to be able to overcome the problems that can cause people to be poor such as sickness, accident, death, old age, retirement and disability. This system is also built to guarantee the basic living needs and to promote the health and social welfare. Unfortunately, the articles in the Navigation Act is not fully able to reach people who become poor because of loss of jobs or people with social welfare issues.
The implementation of social security has long been a part of real community life in local communities. Most local communities are familiar with the term rice barns, jimpitan, fees and social gathering as a way of managing social security on a small scale. but the state has a very big role to influence the availability of well-being. The role of this country due to: (1) the State has the capacity to determine the policy, which will affect the service (c / expenditure policies). State could decide who will be allowed to become a provider or not, determine their qualifications, determine how the service delivery mechanisms and regulate the quality and quantity of service., (2) The state may participate directly in the provision of services and benefits, (3) the State can play a role in planning and oversee service delivery, (4) The State can also play a role in providing direct assistance, provide fiscal support and subsidies (Thabrani, 2005).
In Act No.6 of 1974 on Basic Provisions of Social Welfare, development in the field of social welfare embodied in the government efforts that include:
1. social assistance to citizens of both individuals and groups who have lost their social roles or become victims of disasters, whether natural or other causes.
2. Social welfare standard maintenance through the implementation of a social security system,
3. Guidance, training and social rehabilitation including peyaluran into the community to citizens of the affected their ability to sustain life.
4. Development and social counseling.
But according to the identification Lindenthal (2004) the general characteristics of the social security system developed in Indonesia are:
• limited in scope and only serve minority populations, namely civil servants, armed forces and a small part of the private sector.
• Dependence on family and community in providing informal social protection is very high
. • a very limited dependence on the employer / company due to the inability of labor laws to accommodate the needs of social security for workers.
• Options are limited to social security for workers in the private sector
• Social benefits package that is relatively more comprehensive for civil servants and armed forces
• social benefits (social assitance / services) is not sufficient for poor people where the level of leakage and very high administrative costs.
• public health system is not adequately funded resulting in the inability to provide public services are also inadequate.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Impact of The Naruto Toward The Aggressively Children Behavior

The backgrond of the study is the emerging of some cases happen in a number of areas in Indonesia about the increasing nunber of aggressively behavior of school age children after they frequently wacth the action films on television, especially the Naruto film show.

The study attempts to know whether the similar deviation also occurs around our society, especially in the Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home as the place of the study. The main aim of the study is to observe some problems: Does the intense of watching Naruto Film show give impact to the aggressively children behavior?, How does the Naruto Film show give impact to the aggressively children behavior?’ and what are the efforts to be done, as an avoidance, to the children who have never been influenced yet and what are the efforts to be done, as a given solution, to the children who have been already influenced?. Therefore the objectives of the the study are (a) to know the intense of watching Naruto film show that can give inpact to the aggressively children behavior; (b) to know how the Naruto film show can give impact to the agsressively chidrent behavior, and (c) to know the effors to be done by Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home, as an avoidance to the children who have never been influenced yet and (d) as a given olition to the children who have been already influenced.
The study applied descriptive qualitative method to collect the data. The strategy used in the study used in the started from conducting field observation at the Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home in order to closely observe whether the object of the study was accurate or not. Then, if it was accurate, the researsher did some social approaches while interviewing the subject of the study in dept. Meanwhile, documentation was applied as strengthening the data which would be compared in analyzing an validating the data. If the needed data obtained. The process of analyzing and validatind the data would be done using triangulatiom method. That was, comparing the obtained data from the result of observation and interview with the document and the additional data of the informants as data sources.
The subjects of the study were the children of Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home who were determined using porposive sampling. The number of the subjects was 10 students living in the Orphan Home. The ten children werw socially approached while they were observed their daily behavior. Then, from the ten children, the researcher obtained the the data about the impact of the Naruto film show to the aggressively children behavior at the Orphan Home.
The study showed that the Naruto film show absolutely gave impact to the aggressively children behavior at the Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home. The level of of impact was on moderate level with some consideration:
a.Large intensity of watching a Naruto film show that can impact the aggressively children at the Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home have different levels of each child, can not even reveal exactly when it was the influence of watching
b.The Naruto film show the impacting of aggressiveness children at the Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home at the level of being, is seen from the level of each subject
c.Some of the things that made the Orphanage as a precaution against children not impacted in the Naruto movie Orphanage Darul Tazkiyah are as follows: (1) Set the watch schedule, (2) Increase of religious learning, (3) Supervision over time, and, (4) Direct advice on behavior improperly
d.Some of the things that made the Orphanage as a solution to the impacted children have Naruto movies at the Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home is as follows, (1) Set the watch schedule, (2) Provide other entertainments as a counterweight, (3) more stringent oversight
The results of the study was basically based on measuring some behavior indicator which were used as a guideline to measure the level of impact occurred. Of the data analysis, it was found that there werw some phenomena of impact of the Naruto film show to the aggressively children behavior at the Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home. This proved that the impact of the Naruto film of the aggressively children behavior at the Palangka Raya Darul Tazkiyah Orphan Home could be as reference for the impact of the Naruto Film show to the aggressively children behavior at other place around us.