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Monday, January 24, 2022

Imaging, Good or Bad?

Imaging ? I'm sure we've heard that a lot lately. 

So far, we have always felt that imagery is a negative action. So negative, we often hate people who we think often do this action. Though, it could be that we also do it often… Well

What is imaging? 

Image is an attempt to highlight a good self-image to the public. The impression of imaging is that so far it seems bad because many practice it with lies and exaggeration.

Whether we realize it or not, doing imaging is indeed one of the distinctive characteristics of humans who are more inclined to do something that benefits them. In fact, this has actually become a human need in social life.

Pencitraan, Baik atau Buruk ?

Pencitraan ? Pasti kita sering mendengarnya akhir-akhir ini. 

Selama ini kita selalu merasa bahwa pencitraan adalah tindakan yang negatif. Saking negatifnya, kita seringkali membenci orang yang menurut kita sering melakukan tindakan ini. Padahal, bisa jadi kita juga sering melakukannya ... Nah

Apa itu pencitraan? 

Pencitraan adalah usaha untuk menonjolkan citra diri yang baik kepada publik. Kesan pencitraan adalah selama ini terkesan buruk karena banyak yang mempraktikkannya dengan kebohongan dan berlebihan.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Leadership Talent ?

If we read various literatures on Leadership, then compare it with conditions in life, then a question arises; "Is this leadership skill a talent or is it built?"

According to Maman Ukas "A leader is essentially someone who has the ability to
influence the behavior of others in his work by using power."

In its activities, the leader has the power to mobilize and
influence his subordinates with respect to the tasks that must be carried out. At
the stage of assigning tasks, the leader must provide a clear voice of direction and guidance, so that
subordinates can carry out their duties easily and the results achieved are in accordance
with the goals that have been set.

Thus leadership includes an unequal distribution of power
among leaders and members. Leaders have the authority to direct members
and can also exert influence, in other words leaders can not only
instruct subordinates what to do, but also can influence how
subordinates carry out their orders. So that there is a social relationship that
interacts between leaders and subordinates, which ultimately results in a reciprocal relationship
. Therefore, leaders are expected to have the ability to carry out their
leadership, because if they do not have the ability to lead, then the goals
to be achieved will not be achieved optimally.

If we look at the brief explanation regarding the nature of leadership above, we can observe that everyone who has this ability, whether it is talent or through the process of formation in his family, then that person has the opportunity to become a leader in his environment.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Bakat Pemimpin ?

Kalau kita membaca berbagai literatur tentang Kepemimpinan, kemudian membandingkan dengan kondisi di kehidupan, maka akam muncul sebuah pertanyaan ; "Apakan kemampuan dalam hal kepemimpinan ini merupakan bakat atau dibentuk?"

Menurut Maman Ukas “Pemimpin pada hakikatnya adalah seorang yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk
memepengaruhi perilaku orang lain di dalam kerjanya dengan menggunakan kekuasaan.”

Dalam kegiatannya bahwa pemimpin memiliki kekuasaan untuk mengerahkan dan
mempengaruhi bawahannya sehubungan dengan tugas-tugas yang harus dilaksanakan. Pada
tahap pemberian tugas pemimpin harus memberikan suara arahan dan bimbingan yang jelas, agar
bawahan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dapat dengan mudah dan hasil yang dicapai sesuai
dengan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.