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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Leadership Function

In this paper I try to keep a few notes on lecture material about Leadership, in case there are friends there who also need similar material.

Especially in the discussion of Leadership Functions
Leadership has several functions in its application. We try to discuss a small part of the magnitude of the leadership function, starting with the main functions of leadership which include:

As a decision maker
In this case, a leader is required to be able to take a decision that occurs in an organization he is leading. This decision-making is carried out by holding a decision-making consideration meeting with his subordinates. So the leader does not seem dictatorial.

Motivating subordinates or subordinates
A leader must be able to motivate and inspire subordinates so that subordinates are able to increase their enthusiasm as long as they carry out their duties as desired by their leaders.

As a source of information, the leader in this case acts as a source of information because the leader is a place for subordinates to ask questions when they experience problems in carrying out their duties.

Creating justice
Leaders act as creators of justice because if a leader is not fair, it will have an impact on division within an organization. In resolving conflicts that arise in an organization, a leader should be impartial so that problems can be resolved without any ongoing negative impacts.

As a mediator
The leader as a mediator. This means that the leader is the mediator of a conflict that occurs in an organization or institution. The emergence of conflict in an organization is usually caused by differences of opinion, differences in interests in the organization. Automatically in this case, a leader must be able to overcome conflicts that arise. What is happening is that the leader becomes a mediator or as a mediator.

In another discussion, the leadership function according to Hadari Nawawi has two dimensions, namely:
1) Dimensions related to the level of ability to direct the leader's actions or activities, which are seen in the responses of the people he leads.
2) Dimensions relating to the level of support or involvement of the people who are led in carrying out the main tasks of the group or organization, which are described and manifested through the decisions and policies of the leader.

In connection with these two dimensions, according to Hadari Nawawi, operationally five main functions of leadership can be distinguished, namely: 

Instructive function
The leader functions as a communicator who determines what (content of orders), how (how to carry out orders), when (time to start, carry out and report). results), and where (where to execute orders) so that decisions can be implemented effectively. So the function of the person being led is to carry out orders.

Consultative function
Leaders can use the consultative function as a two-way communication. It is used when the leader is in an effort to make decisions that require consideration and consult with the people he leads.

Participation function
In carrying out the participation function, the leader tries to activate the people he leads, both in making decisions and in implementing them. Each group member has the same opportunity to participate in carrying out the activities described from the main tasks, according to their respective positions.

Delegate function
In carrying out the function of delegation, the leader delegates the authority to make or make decisions. The function of delegation is actually the trust of a leader to people who are entrusted with the delegation of authority by carrying out it responsibly. This delegation function must be realized because the progress and development of the group cannot be realized by a leader alone.

Control function
The control function assumes that effective leadership must be able to regulate the activities of its members in a directed manner and in effective coordination, thus enabling the achievement of shared goals to the fullest. In carrying out the control function, the leader can realize it through activities of guidance, direction, coordination, and supervision.

This is a little article related to the Leadership Function which of course if we learn more, there will be more discussions out there. Hopefully this little can complement the existing one.

  • (Accessed on 12-05-2019)
  • (Accessed on 12-05-2019)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Befikir Cerdas

Dari hasil memancing, Aqin mendapatkan lima ekor ikan yang kemudian ia masukkan dalam sebuah bak air kecil. Setelah itu, ia tinggal sebentar ikannya untuk sebuah keperluan di dalam kamar mandi.
Ketika bak ikan ditinggal Aqin, datang seekor kucing, mengetahui ada ikan dalam bak kucing segera mendekati bak dan mulai beraksi dan berusaha untuk mendapatkan ikan dalam bak. Karena ulah si kucing, akhirnya dua ekor ikan lompat dan jatuh ke rawa-rawa yang ada di bawah kolong rumah Aqin. Belum sempat kucing mendapatkan ikannya, Aqin kembali dan mengusir sang kucing, ketika ditengok ternyata ikan Aqin tinggal tiga ekor yang ada di dalam bak.

Pertanyaan muncul "Berapa ekorkah ikan yang selamat dari keganasan kucing dan juga selamat dari keganasan Aqin ???"

Nah, dari pertanyaan ringan tersebut, coba dijawab dengan dua kata saja. setidaknya pertanyaan tersebut dapat sedikit menguji kemampuan berfikir kita. Karena, untuk bisa berfikir cerdas, kita harus mulai dari yang terkecil dulu.
Berfikir cerdas sendiri merupakan sebuah kemampuan dimana seseorang dapat berfikir dan memecahkan masalah dengan cepat dan tepat. Sehingga tidak perlu membuang-buang tenaga hanya untuk merenung dan berkhayal dalam memecahkan sebuah permasalahan. Iya kalau permasalahan itu menyediakan waktu tenggang dan luang, kalau permasalah itu memaksa kita untuk menemukan solusi secepat mungkin, maka berfikir cerdaslah solusinya. Sebagai seorang pemimpin, berfikir cerdas merupakan syarat wajib yang harus dimiliki. Tanpa hal yang satu ini, apalah jadinya iya....