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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Charismatic Leadership Style

Charismatic leadership is leadership that assumes that charisma is an individual characteristic possessed by a leader that can distinguish him from other leaders, especially in terms of implications for the inspiration, acceptance, and support of subordinates. The emphasis of charismatic leadership is on the charisma of a leader. 

Charisma is a Greek word that means “a blessing of great inspiration,” such as the ability to perform miracles or predict future events. The word charisma is used to describe a form of influence that is not based on tradition or formal authority but rather on the perception of subordinates that the leader has extraordinary abilities.

Max Weber, a German sociologist and political economist, was the first scientist to discuss charismatic leadership. He defines 'charisma' which comes from the Greek as a certain quality of a person. Charisma is seen as a special human ability or quality that is not possessed by adults. 


Based on that, a good leader is someone who has charisma inside of him. A charismatic leader has a strong sense of self-confidence, so he is able to influence his subordinates. With such a disposition, a charismatic leader will impress people, believe, and truly believe.

Conger and Kanungo (in Yukl, 2001) propose a theory of charismatic leadership based on the assumption that charisma is a related phenomenon (attributional). According to this theory, followers' attributions of charismatic qualities to a leader are jointly determined by the behavior, skills of the leader and aspects of the situation. There are three assumptions used in attracting followers of charismatic leaders, namely:

1. attractiveness and elegance are the capital needed to attract followers,

2. Confidence is a basic need of a leader, and

3. Followers will follow people they admire.

There are five main characteristics of charismatic leaders:

a. Vision and articulation. have a vision aimed at ideal goals that hope for a better future than the status quo, and be able to clarify the importance of a vision that others can understand.

b. Personal risk. Charismatic leaders are willing to take high personal risks, bear great costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve their vision.

c. Environmentally sensitive. They are able to realistically assess environmental constraints and the resources needed to make change.

d. Sensitivity to follower needs. Charismatic leaders are perceptive (very understanding) of the abilities of others and responsive to their needs and feelings.

e. Unconventional behavior. Charismatic leaders engage in behaviors that are perceived as new and against the norm.


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