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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Basic Leadership Skills

One time, while tidying up an open shelf, my eyes fell on a brown notebook with an exclusive design. The notebook in the form of a mini agenda book is one of the books that used to accompany me wherever I went when I was in school and college. He is always in the bag attached to the body when I want to go anywhere. At this time I rested the book neatly in a collection of books on the bookshelf, because all the pages were already filled with various notes, most of which were subject matter or material for seminars I had attended.

Then I tried to re-open the sheet after sheet which is still well maintained. My attention was then drawn to a note entitled "Leadership", an introductory material that I recorded from a Leadership Basic Training activity that I had participated in, I don't know when I don't really remember, only remember a little when it was in the early days of sitting on the lecture bench.

The note contains four basic abilities that a leader must possess, namely:

1. Finding the Way

This initial ability is an ability that must be possessed based on knowledge that has been studied, observed principles and in accordance with the values ​​of goodness, of course. This ability will produce a goal to be achieved which is the initial intention of a thought. We understand that, every intention must have a purpose, and this goal is born from the path of light that is found.

2. Align Direction.

When the Destination has been obtained from the path found, next is Aligning the Directions. This process requires a long and gradual learning process, so that the direction to be aimed is increasingly clear and raises an awareness and responsibility.

3. Move

To move, there needs to be a long practice using oneself and the environment. A movement has various principles, some are driven by threats, some are driven by approaches, where all movements are intended to succeed in goals. And the results will be different, there are movements based on submission and fear, and there are movements based on loyalty and loyalty.

4. Regeneration

This ability is no less important if we expect our goals to be eternal. So Regeeration is absolutely carried out to produce successor cadres towards the goals that have been proclaimed at the beginning.

Well, that's the basic ability that every leader must have, in order to achieve the goals that will be applied in social life.

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