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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Strengths and Weaknesses in the Eyes of Leaders

Every human being has advantages. Every human being has flaws. No human being has only one of them. For example, humans are just good or humans are bad. This condition is an advantage of humans from other creatures created by the Creator. Humans will be the best creatures if they are able to master the two sides of themselves. 

Humans are indeed prepared by the Creator as His representative on Earth. Thus, the basic provisions as leaders and regulators are prepared by the Creator as the basic abilities of every human being. Both the ability to control oneself and the ability to control others.

In the Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah starting verse 30, the Creator has described the plan for the creation of humans on Earth, although initially this plan was feared by the Angels. However, it is reassured in the next verse that many things that angels do not know about humans as reinforcement will still be created by humans.