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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Plunged in The Night

That night was colder than usual
Even though there has been no rain since after Isha
The little students are still in their respective positions
Covered with a sarong that covers almost the entire body
Some even look like bunches in a scabbard 
"Knock ... knock ... knock, Sholatul lail ... Sholatul lail ..." heard the voices of the brothers from the next room began to knock and wake up.
Some students just change positions, from lying down to sitting down without showing any signs of life. Some even change the front from left to right or vice versa.
"Feeling like I just slept ..." grumbled one of the students, even though the clock showed 03.00 in the morning.
"Knock ... knock ... knock ... come on wake up, open the door" came the voice again, this time louder than the first.